Monday, November 28, 2005


I was reading Jeannie’s blog just now and she was saying something on what is being said on blogs, that they are mostly not the truth, and not always honest. I would say that I have felt that way about blogging and most of my enteries are sanitised before getting published, because saying the raw truth out and possibly offending someone publicly is not probably the thing that I want to do anytime soon.

I know sometimes people would tell you not to care; be yourself; say what has to be said, may it cause hurt but because of it being the truth, you have done nothing wrong and are a better friend by saying so, so at least the person is aware. I would say to those ppl, that there are 2 sides to every coin; and that if ppl would be so blunt all the time, we probably would be fighting most, if not all of the time.

I’ve had my share of blunt friends, who would not hesitate to scold or tell you off if they find something not right, but it is sometimes hard for one to accept the truth, even though they know that it is being said for their own good. I’ve felt those were better friends, having never needing to guess what they were thinking or feeling, it was right out there for all to see. But at the same time, friendships were also lost because of excessive frankness.

Yes, I believe in telling the person. But I will only if I know that person is willing to take in what I am about to say, not to listen to pacify me, and surely not to outright reject what is said because of face or pride. And also I believe that in such instances, tact would be in order. Pulling someone to a corner and telling them privately, will always better that splashing it all over a blog like a tabloid newspaper. Even if you do not name the person outright, there will be surely those who can roughly tell who it is that you are talking about.

Telling someone the truth is not easy, but the easy way of saying it on your blog isn’t always better. Putting it on a blog is sometimes like finding out the truth through gossip, or waiting till one has an audience around you before blurting it out. It’s also probably why the pen is mightier than the sword.

So with that I say, don’t take everything you read to heart, and don’t over-read what is written. Just my 2 bits. No hidden clues, no fake meanings. Ciao!

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