Thursday, June 30, 2005


First of all, I know I've gone for almost 2 weeks without blogging, but its time for an update! My schedule has been pretty tight for the past weeks, leaving me pretty drained by the time I got home, so it was reach home, eat dinner, bathe and slp. Bathing was optional in some cases, I just slept on e floor. Sounds pretty cham right? Sad but true.

The weeks passed painfully slowly, with so many things to do. The rain was particularly irritating at times, keeping me from completing some task that effectivily kept me stuck in camp. (For the benefits of those who don't already know, I'm a stay out personnel.) The ends of the months are particularly tiring esp. these few months. Glad its almost over.

Last sat was the 1st NDP Rehersal at the Padang, I was stationed at Marina Promeanade with the civilian contingents. It was pretty fun, having for the 1st time not needing to carry all my supplies to the water/ration points myself. Had another team from Changi AB doing all the moving/delivery of all the supplies. Though they kind of died off at the end(Puff the magic dragon, they disappeared!). Haha. It was good whilst it lasted. Thanks guys. But it is not meant to be. Hear that this week, it will be back to me to do the deploying and supplying of the points once again. Haiz...

Ended up manning the water/ration pt supplying the NTUC and MMI contingents. Both which seem to lack in pretty ladies. Heehee. MMI has a number, but in comparison to e total size, its but a small fraction. Glad to see that the Scout contingent was just beside my point, cos their headmistress(Yes, there are girl scouts now) is pretty cute and just a little younger than I am. Heh heh heh. Was slightly disappointed though... I was the one in charge of that point before moving one station down due to the lack of manpower. =( One must make the best of their situation, and so I will.

Managed to see the full flypast of the RSAF aircraft and feel the power of the artillery cannons when they fired from across the Singapore river. Was pretty tired so I didn't stay to watch the fireworks testing. Maybe another week.

While I was busy doing all this, I was also missing out on my good friend Mary's birthday party. Was hoping to be able to rush down after the rehersal, but it gt delayed so I couldn't make it. Only consolation is that my present managed to make it there. ENJOY YOUR PRESENT MALI!

This week also was pretty much the same except that I ended up working overtime on a few occasions. Managed to get off earlier today so tt is why you are getting this update. Hee... Tml is SAF Day and there is some parade that I'm supposed to be in. Funny concidence is that the slight cough I've been having seems to be acting up. Shall go to the polyclinic to get it checked in the morning =D *Cough* Heehee...
Its getting late... I shall go get some rest now. Till the next time!

Monday, June 20, 2005


Have you ever had the need to be in 2 places at the same time, where one is mandatory you be there, and the other is the one you want to be at? Well I'm there right now, and will be again in a couple of weeks time. Haiz.

There are times I wish I could stop time, bend it and spread it out evenly so that I can do everything I want to do, have to do and still have a bit of time leftover to sit around and do absolutely nothing at all. Haha... Ok, I should stop dreaming now. =p Back to pondering over the above mentioned problem. To to to be where and not to to to be where? Headache sia.

Can't think of anything else to write at the moment, so I shall leave this at it is and ponder. Ponder about this and my virtually non-existance love life. But that's another slice for another time. Ciao.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Quiz Time!

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I have finally understood why more and more people are becoming perfectionist. A simple mistake, one seemingly unimportant, can cause major headaches for not only you, but also all those around you. The price some people pay for a lapse in concentration doing what is a standard every now so often task.

Whilst I cannot elaborate on what happened, I would like to clarify that I wasn't involved but got hit by the backlash afterwards anyway. So I would like to ask: if such a small mistake, not detected by all the checks along the way, could cause so much trouble, who would dare make any mistakes at all? I sure don't. But at the same time, I'm human too, bound to cause a hick-up sooner or later, big or small, and even the best systems cannot save me. Should all that I can do is to do my best, hope that the mistake I made, can be quickly corrected, covered up and forgotten by all but myself? Sometimes I wish it was that easy: be selfish and let others find out what not to do by making the same mistake themselves. But its not. Back to the drawing board? Hahaha...

This week I seemed to be doomed to the afternoon shift, waking up late, sleeping late, but I would try to blog every now and then. But until I get a digital camera den you might get pictures. Till the next time. Ciao!

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Yesterday was Saturday, which, from March till now, has been NDP day for me. I know it seem a little exaggerated, the people who knew this before hand all exclaimed, quote:" Are you sure? Its March only! Why start so early??" All I can say is don't ask me. I'm just doing the logistics support, not the marching, which looks pretty hard to coordinate. Hope you all would be impressed by it come National Day!

Anyway, since I'm not the marching contingent, I should not be complaining. I am afterall, getting a day off per Saturday worked as compensation. However, contary to what people perceive, doing the logistics support is not exactly a walk in the park either. Carrying water drums, food rations, and the water dispenser up or down is a tiring task, and people who drink as if singapore is running out of water is not exactly helping either.

But one must always look at the bright side of things, so when I look across the area where I am stationed, at some of the cute gals, it just makes it all worthwhile...=x haha... Guess I better stop here before I get egged by someone. *yawn* Still have to charge my batteries from all the hard work. Ciao.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Getting older!

I like to take this oppotunity to wish PH a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I shan't revel her age for all, but yes PH, one year older le! Haha... I will stay happy as your birthday pressie, but I didn't say for how long wor... =x But rest assured, I will stay happy at least for today. Now before I do that, I have a question to ask: Where is the birthday cake? Don't I get a slice? =p

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Yippee..! Well... today I went to camp and got news that I've just been promoted to corporal! The rank itself is not as important as the pay, but who would pay me more to remain an "act blur" private? =x The pay increase is somewhat minor, but well, NSFs will take whatever we can get our hands on.

Its wed today, mid-week, where its too far from the weekend to be happy, but at the same time its too late in the week to get the blues anymore. Not like I'm getting the blues; my week has been going pretty well, if you discount the late nights and early mornings, yup, its been going pretty well. I've been on time all week and been getting the interesting parts of my job to do. A truely rare phenomenon. I hope this keeps up, and with any luck, this week will pass me by. Wish me luck!

Monday, June 06, 2005


Welcome to my blog!

After much diliberation, I have decided to start my own blog. Not because I have alot in my life to talk about (I could, but i'll have to kill you afterwards), but to prevent myself and my language skills from totally wasting away while I go about the mind-numbing tasks that I am assigned to everyday. I will try to update this, as often as I can. So happy reading a small slice of my life!