Monday, September 10, 2007


Well, after a long saga and going MIA for so long, here I am again blogging. I just don't really know why. Its 3am over here as opposed to the time stamp, but that's just because between then and now, my location has abruptly been changed.

For those of you who don't know because a) You never talk to me anymore or b) For some reason I don't talk to you anymore or c) Just somehow lost contact with, I am now in Sydney. At not much choice of my own, but how would I give up people giving me money to study in a foreign land? It's not really that much, and I will more or less spend most of it. But to gain the experience of living in a bum country and doing it more or less subsidised is a great opportunity.

For those of you city folk that think that services work too slow and there is too much red tape obviously have not lived here. Places here close on the dot if not earlier, and I have yet to see a local work overtime or out of their scope of work. Hell, the supermarket closes on public holidays.

So what is the bum life like? I still have no idea. Perhaps its because students don't get the bum life. Not this one at least. I'm off to snooze land. Till the next time.