Monday, November 28, 2005


I was reading Jeannie’s blog just now and she was saying something on what is being said on blogs, that they are mostly not the truth, and not always honest. I would say that I have felt that way about blogging and most of my enteries are sanitised before getting published, because saying the raw truth out and possibly offending someone publicly is not probably the thing that I want to do anytime soon.

I know sometimes people would tell you not to care; be yourself; say what has to be said, may it cause hurt but because of it being the truth, you have done nothing wrong and are a better friend by saying so, so at least the person is aware. I would say to those ppl, that there are 2 sides to every coin; and that if ppl would be so blunt all the time, we probably would be fighting most, if not all of the time.

I’ve had my share of blunt friends, who would not hesitate to scold or tell you off if they find something not right, but it is sometimes hard for one to accept the truth, even though they know that it is being said for their own good. I’ve felt those were better friends, having never needing to guess what they were thinking or feeling, it was right out there for all to see. But at the same time, friendships were also lost because of excessive frankness.

Yes, I believe in telling the person. But I will only if I know that person is willing to take in what I am about to say, not to listen to pacify me, and surely not to outright reject what is said because of face or pride. And also I believe that in such instances, tact would be in order. Pulling someone to a corner and telling them privately, will always better that splashing it all over a blog like a tabloid newspaper. Even if you do not name the person outright, there will be surely those who can roughly tell who it is that you are talking about.

Telling someone the truth is not easy, but the easy way of saying it on your blog isn’t always better. Putting it on a blog is sometimes like finding out the truth through gossip, or waiting till one has an audience around you before blurting it out. It’s also probably why the pen is mightier than the sword.

So with that I say, don’t take everything you read to heart, and don’t over-read what is written. Just my 2 bits. No hidden clues, no fake meanings. Ciao!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

A short post

I’ve officially spent 8 days and 8 nights at home and trust me it’s not that easy… the boredom of staying at home all the time for so long should be labelled hazardous or something, because it can kill… watch tv, read, play computer games; repeat. Break for meals and the occasional rest. For your info, the school hols might be here… but day time tv still sucks, big time. Argh! I’m going crazy soon if I don’t start getting out of the house! Now I also truly know what it is like to be a fish in a tank, spending your whole day in the same place swimming around in circles, doing the same thing day in and day out, watching the world go by. It’s a sad life. I need some proper entertainment! Some one come and entertain me pls. And no, chimpanzees aren’t good entertainment. Especially that bald chimpanzee, I shan’t be naming name(s). Hahaha… you know who you are. And Jeannie, pls remember to pass the chimp her banana for me.

Ok, I’m done ranting for today, and btw, the tag board is changed so feel free to tag! There is no free read, tag ppl tag!

Monday, November 21, 2005


I’ve been having an okay week this week, getting a guard duty on Sun, going on off on Mon, and off again on Wed, ensuring that I worked only a 3 day week this week. If only every week was like that. On top of that, I got a new pet in the form of a python that they caught walking in the airfield after the rain on wed. On second thought, if they caught me a python every week, I would be running Singapore’s next snake/python park. I’ll take the 3 day work week only minus the python. One is good enough. All went well, with flying being pretty acceptable this week, not too overloaded.

Then came Sat, had a lot of chores planned to be done. Went for basketball first in the morning, which was fun. I was finally getting a larger portion of my shots into the basket, when I was jumping for the ball, and came down hard and landed wrongly, hurting my ankle. I can say that single moment really spoilt the rest of my weekend; one was because I ended up spending the rest of my Sat in the hospital waiting for my name to be called.

I headed home after the injury to take a bath before making my way to NUH. I started to regret that decision quickly after I arrived. The persons manning the door were very nice, and so were most of the staff. But I must say, the staff apart from the doctors, were majority foreigners for some strange reason. All the reports on large uptake of nursing courses have suddenly seemed to be but a dream. The cute part was at triage, where I was attended to by a nurse. The nurse was not cute; it was the way she did things. She first hooked me up to a blood pressure/heart rate machine, then after determining that my ankle was injured, asked me to remove my shoes whilst still connected to the machine, an impossible task, unless I was going to drag the machine to the floor by its short wires. The next thing was even cuter. She took my temperature, then after continuing her examination for a while, asked me if I had a fever! I felt like saying: “Hello~, you took my temperature and after taking it can have the cheek to ask me if I’m having a fever???” But all the pain did not manage to get me fired up enough for me to say that, and I decided to let it go and tell her No.

After all the checks were done, I was informed that there was a small bone fragment in my ankle, and so my leg is now in a splint, at least for the next week or so, effectively making me crippled. In case you don’t know what a splint is, think of it as a cast, with only the back being hard and the rest made out of bandage. I will upload a pic. once I get hardworking. Hee… Got myself a pair of crutches, and trust me when I say that getting around with those things, is not an easy task. I’m literary hopping everywhere I go. It is a pretty tiring affair, what used to be a short 30sec walk can take me up to 2-3 mins, that is if the floor is flat. Taking a bath is also a pain, with a plastic bag taped around my leg because the splint cannot get wet. Try hopping on a wet surface; you’ll get a rough idea. Sleeping is another thing. It is simply not possible without the assistance of pain killers, and even taking the pain killers, I still get up in the middle of the night.

Anyway, I’m on an 8 day MC, so I don’t expect for anything exciting to be happening anytime soon. Till the next time. Ciao.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Haven't Been Blogging

I haven’t been blogging lately, due to the fact that I’ve been working the late shift recently. Although I start late, its usually due to the fact that I actually worked till quite late the day before. Another reason is that I’m getting to plain lazy to blog. Hahaha… There has been a recent hype on bloggers again, with the more famous few making comments on sensitive issues and throwing everybody back into the spotlight. Now there’s hottest blogger, not due to the content of their blogs, but now, that the blogger is pretty! That and the accompanying debate on whether she’s really a beauty, or just plastic. Hmmm… How can people dare call Singaporeans uncreative? They are cleverly creating jobs for the media people to work on. Smart eh? I think so too. I wonder when this craze dies down a bit what or who will be the next target.

Anyway, there was this funny incident that one of my camp mates caused, between him and some Arabian looking man. It’s a wonder that he didn’t get complained about. 3 of us were walking out from camp, crossing the road outside camp actually, when this Arabian looking man in a Middle Eastern outfit, head dress and all, driving a Honda Odyssey, pulled to a halt at the red light crossing that we were using. Knowing when to keep your mouth shut is obviously a lesson that this camp mate should learn, because when he saw this Arabian looking man, he gestured to my friend and said: “eh, Osama leh!” Both of us already saw him and noted the striking resemblance, but we didn’t say anything because we had also noticed that he was driving with the window of his car wound down. And that big mouth failed to notice this till after he said the Osama part, only to realise that the man’s elbow was actually protruding out from the car’s window. Not only that, but he also said it loud enough, so much so the Arabian looking man heard it! I was trying to control my laughter and put on a poker face, but when we walked pass the car, the man grinned at that idiot and said: “Osama eh?” With that, the rest of us burst out laughing. Mr. Big Mouth was immediately apologetic, but the rest of us really couldn’t stop laughing. What’s the moral of the story? Look before you speak! Hahahaha…

On a more sombre note, as of today, my com is dead. RIP. I am now blogging from my lappy. Not dead as in dead dead, to be scraped dead, more of like out of commission dead. The power supply blew again, how and why, I might never know. It just up and died. Hoping that the 3 year warranty on it works out, and I get a one to one exchange. Have to get down to the tedious task of ripping it out from my com first. Also, my blog’s shoutbox seems to be acting up recently again, and I am simply fed up with it. As of now, I am on the hunt for a new shoutbox. Any recommendations people? For now, guess you all will have to make do with the comments system by Haloscan. I hope that doesn’t die on me too.

I got a million things running through my mind right now, but most I most likely won’t put into words here, not for the moment at least. Too many fragments of too many thoughts. Till the next time I decide to blog. Ciao!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Rotting Week

I’ve been meaning to blog this whole week, but I got so pissed by the planning this week and decided to catch up on more sleep and rotting.

What has gotten me fuming was that this week was supposed to be a long holiday for me, Monday do guard duty, then Tues holiday, Wed applied for off, Thurs holiday once again and Fri off again. That was the planning I had from October.

Then came the first blow, the idiot planning the guard duty does it anyhow, and when people ask why he planned it this way, his reply is that it’s a random thing. When people apply for off and leave, it is stated in the attendance book for all to see. He can plan it till people on leave can be on standby, and people like me, who are on off can be on guard duty. Ok, nvm, Fri I will do guard. Which brings me to another question: How can there be so many guard teams, and I can get guard twice a week? Ans? It’s random. That is really irritating answer, and it’s one that everyone gets. Well the next time he needs help that’s the answer I’ll give him, I randomly choose not to help. Tough luck.

Then the second blow, on Mon they say that too many people are on leave and that my off is cancelled. Why would u allow half the sqn to go on leave then fail to inform anyone and have heavy flying on a day when no one wants to come back? But then, that is the way they work.

So with these 2 blows, there goes my long weekend. Haiz. Even the pilots are complaining, but even they can’t do anything. So everybody “LL” goes back to work. Till the next time I feel like blogging.