Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Yippee..! Well... today I went to camp and got news that I've just been promoted to corporal! The rank itself is not as important as the pay, but who would pay me more to remain an "act blur" private? =x The pay increase is somewhat minor, but well, NSFs will take whatever we can get our hands on.

Its wed today, mid-week, where its too far from the weekend to be happy, but at the same time its too late in the week to get the blues anymore. Not like I'm getting the blues; my week has been going pretty well, if you discount the late nights and early mornings, yup, its been going pretty well. I've been on time all week and been getting the interesting parts of my job to do. A truely rare phenomenon. I hope this keeps up, and with any luck, this week will pass me by. Wish me luck!

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