Thursday, July 21, 2005


I've been pretty busy the past week and a half. So to make up for nt blogging here, I shall be making 2 post today. One entry for the past week or so and, another for today. Why so special? Cos today was a good day so it warrants its own entry.

Past week or so. Getting back to camp on Tues, was to walk right into a hell of sorts. Little did I know that I was walking into that very morning was to qualification by the QAC. I know I’ve been saying that I was qualifying for some time now, but it’s a multi-stage process and this was the final stage. QAC is a scary place for us, because of the fact that to be part of the QAC, the personnel there are amongst the best and most experienced in what they do. They may not have a clear idea about the specialities of my squadron, but the questions that they ask on general items are on a whole new level. I’m not talking about one level above what I know, but let’s say 20 levels above me? Sound exaggerated, but yeah… it about there. He can ask questions that everyone can give the blank look, but only because it sounds greek to us. All I can say is that my mates and I were lucky to get qualified. At least that storm is over. After clearing all the paperwork needed, I can finally say that I’m a qualified person. But suddenly it doesn’t sound as good as it once seems. Putting my signature on e dotted line suddenly seems scary and a lot of questions begin to pop into my head. Questions like what if I screw up? Or what if because of something I did or didn’t do something terrible happens? Haiz… Guess I’ve got to be on the ball from now on. Luckily for me, the next few servicing(s) that I do will be counter checked by a more senior guy before I sign, so that at least gives me a peace of mind for now.

But at least my servicing did not start for that week; this was due to the paper work problems, and that repealing incident that happened in the base. Don’t ask me for details. I’m not telling anyone anything. I had to work overtime due to that incident, going for safety briefings, talks with the management, etc. etc. Long and tiring week, but I was lucky once again, with the NDP coming to my rescue once again. Moving cartons and cartons of drinks is no less tiring, but fighting the ZZ-monster constantly in the briefings is more than I can handle. Send me for more manual labour the next time the waves of briefings come again, but touch wood that nothing happens anymore.

Starting doing servicing today, the 18th of July 2005. A stressful day. The day I sign documents. Started my 1st working day, packed to the brim. But thanks to the weather, (it rained the whole day) I ended up doing one servicing and one aircraft wash. The next day was also pretty marred by weather, but managed to do 1 servicing before the weather came in. Wed was much better, but I was swamped. The fact that the day started at 5.30am didn’t help either. But its over. =D Today was my off day. Yippee! See the next entry for details! Out!

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