Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Pika pika!

Haven't blogged in the past few days due to guard duty wearing me down. Was guard on Fri and then again on Mon! It’s a draining vicious cycle. Sat morning after I got off guard at 9am, rushed home to get a change of clothes before heading out to join CW and gang for a couple of games of bball. By the time I got there it was almost 11! Played a couple of games before we split, with Ben, Yun and me heading for lunch and the rest making their way home. Jun and Kang didn’t join us, with Kang down with a fever. CW was joking about Kang getting dengue… haha. Not sure about Jun’s excuse though. Reached home after lunch, took a bath, and then started reading the papers. Made it about halfway through before I found myself sound asleep. And that scene kept repeating itself for the whole weekend, when ever I touched something soft enough to slp on, I would just knock off. I still don’t know why. And when I want to slp at night, the sun burn keeps me awake. It’s better now, and I’m back to slping regular hours.

Mon came sooner than it was supposed to, and did guard again. While in camp, I got news that ‘Pikachu’ started a blog! The horrors! And what does he post on that blog? The reporting time of the squadron. And nothing else. The next thing I would expect him to do is search for someone to update that blog everyday. The concept is good, 3 cheers for that. Now you can check your reporting time everyday, at anytime of the day. But surely, there is definitely something better to use than a blog! But if I go back to camp and open my big mouth (Which I won’t BTW), I would end up doing everything for him at no cost to or reward from him, and will most ultimately end up being the nut job, who has to update it for him everyday. Well, NOT OVER MY DEAD BODY. So my lips are sealed. As long as I stay clear of updating that blog at least. One blog is hard enough to maintain. And for those who are still wondering who is ‘Pikachu’, he is none other than my incek/woic. When he comes around lightning shoots about like when you let Pikachu out of his pokemon ball. Which reminds me… anyone got a pokemon ball to spare? I need a big one! Heh heh heh…

Today got off guard at 10am. Major communications breakdown in camp. Was supposed to do servicing, leaving all the refuelling to the spare men. Did them a favour, got a team mate to walk back to the sqn to get the bowser test kit for them to use. In the end, had to do all the refuelling ourselves, and after that get ticked off for being late to do the paperwork! Sian. Well, all in a day’s work. Nothing new there.

I went home to rest a while, before rushing out to meet Audrey for lunch. Got there late due to transport being hell, I had to wait at least 6-7min per transfer, so I waited more than I travelled. Sorry Aud. Anyway, when I got there, I found out that she seems to be on a diet. Lucky she didn’t ask me the dreaded question… “Do you think I look fat?” Because if she did, I wouldn’t be blogging now. Probably would have ended up in pieces all over Singapore. Heehee… Went for driving afterwards, and realised at the end of the lesson, that 3 weeks of not having lessons and my driving somewhat rusty. Managed to get it tuned back into working order by the end of the lesson thankfully. I wonder how long I can sustain 1 week/lesson. Hopefully till my test in Feb. That is if my off clears. Hopefully. Pretty shagged now, so I shall stop here. Ciao!

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