Tuesday, September 13, 2005

NDP & Moon Cakes

Looking at the title, most of you must be wondering what link is there between NDP and moon cakes. Hmmm… Think carefully… It’s a close link… Can’t think of any? Then in that case you are right! There is absolutely no link. Haha... It’s just another case of me not being able to find the time at the time to update.


There was a NDP function at ADSD in Yishun on Thursday. It was a tea buffet with a certificate presentation in the specialist mess. It was a quiet affair, with all of us catching up with each other. There was free beer and wine along with the buffet, that was drunk mostly by the inceks and more senior personnel. I took a glass of red wine, and I must say, it was pretty good, abet a little strong on the alcohol. Then a while later, during the certificate presentation, MAJ Pang was saying, “See you all in 2007!” With that all the 124 personnel said “ORD lo…!” and instantly got daggers shot at us from all the regulars… Heehee…After the presentation of the certificates, it marked an end for the NDP. Its been fun while it lasted, even though my Sat were burned. There may be a chance to do it again next year, counting that my squadron is commercialising next year, and I’ll be out of a job to do. But that we’ll have to see. =)

Moon Cakes

My whole weekend was spent at home this week. It would be a pretty sad thing except it was spent helping in the making of moon cakes for the upcoming Latern Festival. When you actually have a hand in making it, you would then realise how come shops are selling the moon cakes for up to $8 a piece. It is actually not that expensive to make, but it’s a whole lot of work. From preparing the filling to the dough itself, everything has to be done with precision, or else the moon cake would not come out good. Afterwards, the moon cake has to be pressed and knocked out of the mould, before it is baked in a three step process. Its hard work, but getting to eat it after that makes it all worth while. I got to try one after making everything, with the rest being kept till the lantern festival comes around. =p…. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Can’t wait for the lantern festival to come around liao… the wait is agonising. Off to play some games to get my mind off mooncakes. Till next time then. Ciao.

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