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Handwriting Analysis of Leonard Chai
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Programmed by the Faculty of Handwriting
***** Introduction to Handwriting Analysis *****
Handwriting Analysis can identify your sub-conscious and conscious personality traits. These traits relate to your behavior, motivations, sexuality, ambitions, and other personality variations. It can also tell you about your ambition, the fears that you've suffered and developed since childhood, emotions, as well as current feelings and frustration at the time of the writing sample. Now, this on-line self-test does not pretend to replace the wisdom and experience of a professional handwriting expert. Only a veteran can spot the subtle distinctions of a pen lift, pen stroke, or tiny angle that could be the difference between a good trait or a bad trait. However, this "Handwriting Wizard" self-test has been proven surprisingly accurate, despite the obvious problem of using a novice's eyes to spot and translate the information into the computer. We hope you are impressed and convinced that learning handwriting analysis for yourself can provide a lifetime of benefits.
Many people wonder why handwriting analysis is so accurate despite the fact their handwriting seems to "change all the time." While it is true that handwriting can detect moods at the time of the writing sample, usually only a few of the hundreds of traits change over a period of time. The emotional traits revealed in handwriting tell the emotional response of the person at the time the writing sample was written. These can vary with the person's mood. Most personality traits will be revealed regardless of mood change or emotional circumstance. Therefore, handwriting delivers the best of two worlds: the present state of mind and the overall disposition someone. For complete answers to dozens of Frequently Asked Questions, please visit our FAQ page.
In addition to "depth of feeling" and "emotional responses" that are shown in handwriting, hundreds of individually identifiable personality traits are evident. These include traits such as self-esteem, self-confidence, goals, fears, defenses, sensitiveness (and in which areas), initiative, enthusiasm, sexual needs, and the list goes on and on. What's more, you can even change yourself by using the new science of Grapho-Therapy.
Handwriting Analysis is used by top corporations worldwide, private institutions, psychologist, and even the FBI. Because of the growing acceptance of this tool to identify personality and assist in predicting behavior, handwriting analysis is quickly becoming a favorite field of study from amateurs to professionals.
******* The Analysis Starts Here *******
For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Leonard has no white space or margins on a typical sheet of paper. Leonard fills up every last inch on the top, right, left, and bottom. Hmmm. If this is true, then Leonard has a very aggressive personality toward others and quite frankly lacks a bit of respect for the space and property of other people. I would be surprised if Leonard just comes into someone's home and helps himself to a drink in the refrigerator. This can be both an obnoxious personality trait and it can be assertive and effective in getting what you want. There isn't much fear of getting in trouble here, Leonard finds plenty of reasons to break the rules and get in trouble. (Okay, perhaps when he was younger, not anymore?) Basically, people with no margins are a handful.
Leonard has a healthy imagination and displays a fair amount of trust. He lets new people into his circle of friends. He uses his imagination to understand new ideas, things, and people.
Leonard is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect his ego when he feels hurt. He pokes people harder than he gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.
Leonard is a practical person whose goals are planned, practical, and down to earth. This is typical of people with normal healthy self-esteem. He needs to visualize the end of a project before he starts. he finds joy in anticipation and planning. Notice that I said he plans everything he is going to do, that doesn't necessarily mean things go as planned. Leonard basically feels good about himself. He has a positive self-esteem which contributes to his success. He feels he has the ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to. However, he sets his goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach". He has enough self-confidence to leave a bad situation, yet, he will not take great risks, as they relate to his goals. A good esteem is one key to a happy life. Although there is room for improvement in the confidence catagery, his self-perception is better than average.
Because Leonard has sharp needle pointed 'm' and 'n' humps, he has a very sharp mind. He instantly sizes up situations, making instant decisions. He thinks and evaluates circumstances very rapidly. Many people with this type of mind are geniuses, thus he may be seen as highly intelligent. Leonard is often irritated by slow talkers or slow thinkers. If he drives, he gets irritated by slow drivers in the fast lane. He quickly becomes bored when being taught on the level of the slowest student in class. He may be on problem number three when the rest of the class is on problem one. Leonard is curious and very active. In fact, in school he might have been a trouble maker because he thought so much faster than the other kids, he finished his work first, thus having plenty of time on his hands to make trouble!
Leonard is not facing something going on in his life today. He is deceiving himself about it. Often, Leonard's opinion of himself is different than those around him. This trait gives Leonard the ability to deny anything that does not agree with his "truth." This trait is not always something negative. It is only a defense mechanism allowing Leonard not to face some reality in his life at this time.
Leonard will demand respect and will expect others to treat him with honor and dignity. Leonard believes in his ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. He has a lot of pride.
Leonard is moderately outgoing. His emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart rendering stories. In fact, he can be kind, friendly, affectionate and considerate of others. He has the ability to put himself into the other person's shoes. Leonard will be somewhat moody, with highs and lows. Sometimes he will be happy, the next day he might be sad. He has the unique ability to get along equally well with what psychology calls introverts and extroverts. This is because he is in between. Psychology calls Leonard an ambivert. He understands the needs of both types. Although they get along, he will not tolerate anyone that is too "far out." He doesn't sway too far one way or the other. When convincing him to buy a product or an idea, a heart rendering story could mean a great deal to him. He puts himself in the same situation as the person in the story, yet he will not buy anything that seems overly impractical or illogical. Leonard is an expressive person. He outwardly shows his emotions. He may even show traces of tears when hearing a sad story. Leonard is a "middle-of-the-roader," politically as well as logically. He weighs both sides of an issue, sits on the fence, and then will decide when he finally has to. He basically doesn't relate to any far out ideas and usually won't go to the extreme on any issue.
People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Leonard doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.
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